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邋遢小隊長: Berlinale 遇見# 6/10 以不同年齡的跨性別者分別扮演伍爾夫筆下的奧蘭多,結尾對“奧蘭多”小說的手術極富想象力,其余游走在現實與虛構人物之間,稍顯乏善可陳。
了不起的皮皮牛:好不過五星,差不過四星,主要時候還是為了看Russell Tovey的。This show makes me rethink I am gay or what, that's weird. And I need consider this as "Enlightened 2.0" maybe( Two critical-claimed seasons, both consists of 8 eps).
酒醉的蝴蝶:,被大師騙的小清新--You won’t believe we are alone in the universe? --Abigail,I'm sure there‘s something out there,looking down on us from somewhere in the universe,they are wise enough to stay away from us.S06e21略歡樂的婚禮合謀殺律師公婆,一個事件四重敘述.e19是由一對閨密小混蛋串起來,這倆傢伙在sxxexx中偷了一輛後備箱裝著一顆腦袋的車,很好玩