
笑天不古:為什么我還是覺得差一點。特別是三女和四女之間的芥蒂,只是靠結尾兩人的談話才釋懷,而且沒有太多。長澤雅美那時候還是一張嬰兒肥的臉啊233。 7.3
小瘋狂: watched this movie just by chance. It's an interesting movie with different cultures from different countries that time. I'm interested in watching it as I saw there're Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr. In this movie, Yul Brynner was acting the king, who had strong dignity and culture consciousness. His behavior was interesting and even funny from the eyes of people nowadays. I like his another movie, shooted in the same year with Ingrid Bergman,
. He's handsome and charming in that movie, also with a strong character. While Deborah Kerr is also a good actress, who had partnered with Cary Grant in few movies I like. might be -
懶研墨倦書畫:這部我覺得就比較靠譜了 最后的車碾壓式的進攻大呼過癮 有一種所向披靡的快感 成龍經典作品之一 miki好美??