圣女貞德蒙難記[電影解說]是由卡爾·西奧多·德萊葉執導,瑪利亞·法奧康涅蒂,安托南·阿爾托,安德烈·貝利主演的一部電影解說。主要講述了:影片聚焦法國民族女英雄圣女貞德(瑪利亞·法奧康涅蒂 Maria Falconetti飾)生命的最后時刻,再現了她被出賣落入勃艮第叛軍手中后,在英格蘭監獄和法庭上,從受審到處死的全過程。被英格蘭當局嚴密

農民工: that meat that was once pig is now flying around this room. Who says pigs can't fly? -How did you get the idea for having a live organism inside a robot? -One inspiration source obviously from the Daleks from Doctor Who.XD Life is an ever repeating cycle.
八寶齊: sand storms and hazy dawns I reached for u